Category Archives: Places to go to/things to read/something to watch

Random good stuff

It feels great to be posting properly here again, and there are still more stuff coming up from Shibaricon. Also, when there is time, I would love to be able to post some of the leftovers I’ve not posted yet, such as more of the adventures from Tokyo earlier this year. Yeah, better late than never, right?

But in the meantime, here is some random stuff I found which I think is really interesting and worth checking out. First of all, how many people is there out there who sing kinky folkmusic? Dear pervert, this is Chastity; two great artists who has some great tracks up their sleeve:

Then, when I was visiting the amazing city of San Francisco, I got to very briefly meet some of the members of  San Francisco girls of Leather (SFgoL). Ok, so it was in a dark parking lot, but everyone was very well behaved. Then, just a week later I got to meet a lovely girl in Sweden who had been a part of this group. And now, they are on the cover to S.F Guardian with a huge article  that is so well written. Good kink/leather activism and solidarity at its best as well, hugely inspiring.

Then, there is also an event coming up in Dublin. Twisted Leprechaun! The first of its kind in Europe, inspired by Shibaricon, will take place the 10th-11th of September, just outside Dublin, Ireland. Just registered and the schedule for presenters looks awesome, with talent both from Europe and from the States and Canada.


Neurosexism, Naomi Campbell & Foot Fetishism

First of all:

we now have a Tumblr account! Find it here and bookmark. In the future there will be less tidbit-posts here and more on Tumblr, since it fits that kind of format better. But no need to worry, we will continue working at this WordPress blog.

So this is one of those posts that is filled with tidbits, and all due to me not being able to juggle studies with other types of writing.

First of all, this is a good read for those of you who might still believe that there is essential differences between genders and they are hardwired in our brain. A reminder that while there is such truths that we hold dear, there is also such things as bias within not only social sciences but also the medical profession;

And then, here is something for all of those who are really into feet but not sure of how to approach your fascination. I know this is about men who are into feet and am aware of the exclusion of female foot/shoe fetishists but it certainly carries some important bits, so take note or just laugh at this video made by Count Boogie.:

Then there is the diva of divas Naomi Campbell,that provided us with some wank-material in October 2010 edition of Interview magazine. Photos by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott. Please feel free to drool. I did.


Ok, so no one has missed the vampire craze, unless you spent the last years under a stone in the middle of nowhere. I tried to go there, because I’m not really into the whole fang-thing, but in the end I wanted a night out with friends so I ended up at Fangtasia’s b’day party in East London. Now, this is not a BDSM-event, but kinky enough to have plenty of eyecandy and outrageous performances.

I’ve departed somewhat from my high-femme personae lately. This evening was bikerchick in latex-tights and leathergloves. There is something special about being able to stomp properly in boots.
While alcohol was flowing there was also familiar faces everywhere and a welcoming atmosphere and adding some really bloody good performances to that, I stumbled home quite pleased.

First I must say, I am pretty tired of the whole burlesque-craze, a craze which is now at its height in Sweden and still being quite strong here in the U.K. While I acknowledge that there certainly can be interesting art created, I rarely get this from burlesque-performers, who often just play into a role that is already established rather than subverting it, as it was intended to do from the beginning.
But at Fangtasia, there was suddenly a creature on stage, dancing with feathers, dressed in a white latex catsuit and white latex hood with only one opening for the eye, that was framed with bright red sparkles. There was a nozzle leading from the mouth to a  bag strapped to her leg, filled with a red fluid. She danced slowly to this track while drinking it all up, all the red fluid.

And here you can see it all, the amazing performance by Marnie Scarlet:

A second show was one with a couple of friends of mine who went full out. The delectable Electronic Doll starts off on the scene, dancing but all of a sudden attacked, first once but fighting it off with a cheeky smile, then surprised by the next attack, and with two against one and a chain around her neck, she is at the mercy of the two ruthless and violent vampires who string her up and get all the blood they can from her. These guys get into it. There is shouting, punching, screaming, wide-eyed surprise and fear, fake blood all over the place and some humour. Which is something I find extremely encouraging. What would all of this be if there was no fun? No irony, satire, no sense of humour and ability to look at ourselves not too seriously?

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Anyhow, that evening only got better when Shadow turned up, completely unexpected. We spoke for a good part of the evening, and she helped me to see the plateau I’ve come to with my rope as something that is being processed.
I guess there is always the factor that I’ve been going full out the last year or so, trying to do as much and learn as much as possible, and now there has been an overdose. The days before Fangtasia I had been a bit on and off with the rope, been left with my feelings of being uninspired as well as quite messy in the work I’ve tried to do. But Shadow made me remember that old thing about stuff such as writer’s block. It is not a block but a transitional stage, where things happen in your brain, but not necessarily is ready to reach your fingers yet. That is why I’ve been kind to myself, no pressure but rather enjoyment and positive input.

Which, in reality, means that I am really lazy and tie very few people, and instead enjoy being in the ropes myself. Now, since it was my b’day just a couple of days before Fangtasia, I was cheeky enough to ask B if he wanted to do some rope, since he had brought them with him because of the earlier performance. And after the shows were done, people had smoked enough, danced enough (oh yes, there was dancing to good music!) we all went home. And I fell asleep smiling, thinking of having teeth sinking into my flesh, slowly, slowly.

All pictures by the amazing Echo Photography

Ripples; or the waves of a spanked bottom and more

Today is another ‘small and interesting things’ day.

Via Freedom of Fetish I came across this amazing video:
SHOWstudio: The Fashion Body – Buttocks.

Watch it while playing music like Massive Attack, it really works so beautifully and is very soothing.

This picture of Lady Gaga made me breathe very heavily.

Photo from a Nick Knight & Ruth Hogden Film. Posted at

And someone who has been inspired by the Lady herself, is Lydia Hearst. These photos are just utterly amazing, all of them soaked with undertones of D/S as well as a beautiful picture of Hearst offering rope from her hands.

I know, I know, usually this blog does not concern itself with the ins and outs of celebrities, but I picked these because I find it fascinating how BDSM is bleeding in to the celebrity culture, and not just overtly as Madonna’s and Britney’s forced poses, but also more subtle and artistic, bleeding in to the conscience and images. Making it a whole lot more fun to find pervery in everyday life!

A little bit more to read

While travelling, I still want to keep you, dear readers, occupied. I know I’ve not been the best doing so far this summer, but here comes two links that especially for us rope-maniacs I think will be very interesting.

First one is this blog, Ai Nawa, a reflective blog on kinbaku, it’s history, culture and philosophy.

Then we also have some additions in our blogroll, and I’m proud to present the awesome Sex is not the enemy as well as Shelby Knox, and Yes Means Yes

There you go, part rope stories, part queer sexpositivism and feminism.

The Gauntlet-men in Pain

It’s easy to find pictures that objectify female form, both in the ‘vanilla’ world and the kinky. That is why I constantly look out for other images. Especially those which objectify male suffering. I still find it very hard to sexualize non-consentual suffering, simply because it is often not erotic. But still, I’ve changed quite a bit and find more and more imagery thats hotter than hot.

Like this clip for example:

An undressed James Bond, exposed and vulnerable and in actual pain, struggling to keep the villain at bay, challenging him still. And some CBT have never hurt anyone before.

But this is a clip that I’m even more interested in. Because there is so many layers to it.

There is the cocky individual, trying to desert from the British Army, only to get caught out, having to enrol in another army. Suitable punishment follows, and as he walks through the gauntlet, slowly and controlled, but in pain. And this is a kink of mine, slow paces that forces the objet du désir to keep control over him or herself. Barry London is an interesting movie all in all, but this was definetly the highlight for me.

But all in all, I’m not feeling very toppy at all at the moment. The only thing I’m really longing for is to speak to a certain someone and have someone with rope bundle me up and move my mind and body. But maybe you will find something that is hot with both of these clips, at least I did.